Knowledge Base

How to Create Automation Rules for Email and SMS Notifications

Set up business and location emails and creating notification rules for booking and customer feedback.

How to Add Custom Notes and Messages to the Public Booking Page

Add custom notes to the top or bottom of the entire booking wizard block or individual steps.

How to Manage Your Business Info

Video guide to managing your business info.

How to Manage Bookings in Scheduler

This tutorial shows you how to manage bookings in the Make Booking Online Scheduler, including drag-and-drop, editing, and deleting bookings for efficient scheduling.

How to Log into the Admin Portal

Follow this quick guide to securely log into the Admin Portal of Make Booking Online and access the features needed to manage your business.

How to Edit an Operator

Learn how to edit operator information, schedules, and service assignments in Make Booking Online. Update operator details quickly and efficiently.

How to Create and Set a Public Holiday

Learn how to create and set public holidays in the Make Booking Online system to accurately manage your business calendar and scheduling.

How to Create an Operator

This tutorial explains how to create operators, assign them schedules, and link them to services within the Make Booking Online system.

How to Add Bookings from the Admin Portal

Discover how to add and manage bookings directly from the Admin Portal in Make Booking Online, helping you streamline and optimize booking management.

How to Add a Service

Learn how to easily add and manage services in Make Booking Online. Follow this guide to streamline service management and improve your booking efficiency.