Configuring Your Booking Page Settings


Description: Enable or disable your booking page to control when customers can make appointments.

Example: Status: Active (Allows bookings) / Inactive (Blocks bookings)

Booking Time Block

Description: Set the interval in minutes between booking slots available on your booking page.

Example: Default: 30 minutes. Options displayed: 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, etc.

Max Number of People Per Booking

Description: Define the maximum number of individuals who can book a single slot.

Example: Default: 1 person. If set to more, 'Number of People' box appears.

Max Number of Concurrent Bookings

Description: Specify the maximum number of bookings allowed in a single time slot.

Example: Default: 50 bookings per 30-minute slot.

Prevent Duplicate Bookings

Description: Prevent the same client from booking multiple slots within a defined interval.

Example: Default: Enabled. Clients can book once per day.

Duplicate Bookings Check Interval

Description: Set the time frame for checking duplicate bookings.

Example: Default: 1 day. Clients are restricted to one booking per day.