Reports and Analytics

Gain insights and keep track of your booking data with comprehensive reports and visual charts. This documentation helps you navigate through the various reporting tools available in the system, including booking summaries, detailed lists, and a scheduler view.

Booking Reports and Charts

  • View summarised data of bookings over the default last 30 days.
  • Access visual representations like bar charts for quick insights into booking trends.

Visualizing Data with Charts

  • Understand booking volumes over time with the “Booking Summary (Count)” chart.
  • Analyse trends to adjust business strategies and optimise booking capacities. - Booking Dashboard | Reports

Booking Lists

  • Generate and view daily booking lists.
  • Access a comprehensive list of all bookings which can be exported to Excel for further analysis or record-keeping.

Using Booking Lists and Reports

  • Access different types of booking lists through the dashboard.
  • Use filters to customise the data you need, and export the information for offline use or detailed analysis.

Booking Scheduler View

  • Utilise a daily scheduler view to see all bookings for each operator.
  • Detailed views include customer details and service information, enhancing operational oversight and customer service. - Booking Scheduler View | Reports
  • The scheduler provides a day-by-day view of all operator schedules.
  • Bookings are displayed in time blocks, showing pertinent details such as customer names, service types, and approval status.
  • Functions such as “Toggle Showed/Not Showed” and “Set as Seated/Processed” help manage and update booking statuses in real time. - Booking Scheduler View | Reports