How to Add or Edit an Operator

Operators play a crucial role in managing and delivering services. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to add new operators or edit existing ones in the Make Booking Online system.

Adding a New Operator

When adding a new operator or editing an existing one, you will navigate through several tabs to specify all relevant details about the operator.

Basic Information

  1. First and Last Name
    Description: Enter the first and last names of the operator.
    Steps: Fill in the ‘First name’ and ‘Last name’ fields.

  2. Display Name
    Description: Set a display name that will appear on the booking page.
    Steps: Type in the ‘Display name’ field.

  3. Personal Details
    Description: Provide the date of birth and gender.
    Steps: Select the date on the calendar icon and choose the gender from the dropdown. - Adding a New Operator | Basic Information


  1. Assign Services
    Description: Link the operator to specific services they are qualified to provide.
    Steps: Navigate to the ‘Services’ tab and select services from the list. - Adding a New Operator | Services


  1. Work Schedule
    Description: Define the working hours and days for the operator.
    Steps: In the ‘Schedule’ tab, set the start and end times for each working day. - Adding a New Operator | Schedule

Contact Information

  1. Contact Details
    Description: Enter contact information including phone number, mobile, and email.
    Steps: Fill in the fields under the ‘Contact’ tab.

  2. Address
    Description: Provide the physical address for correspondence or legal documentation.
    Steps: Complete the country, state, address, suburb, and post code fields. - Adding a New Operator | Contact Information

Web Presence

  1. Profile Image
    Description: Upload a profile image that will appear on the booking page.
    Steps: Click the image icon in the ‘Web Presence’ tab to upload a new image. - Adding a New Operator | Web Presence

After entering all details, you can choose ‘Save’ to continue editing later or ‘Save & Close’ to finish setting up the operator profile.